
Publish Data

Why publish data?

Publishing data is a strong incentive for scientist to share their data and has positive effects.
Using the published data enables scientists comfortably to discover, find and access scientific data permanently via a persistent Identifier.

Data Publication Service extends these services by the following benefits:

  • ensuring a high data quality and long-term usability
  • ensuring a permanent and persistent access of data and metadata via the persistent identifiers
  • enabling easy and clear data citations in scientific publications using the persistent identifiers for the credit of the data creators
  • enabling availability and usability of article underlying data with data references

The impact on citation rates can be seen in the study on science article providing access to underlying data at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.
Articles with data links are cited more than articles without any links to research data.
The analysed articles acquired on average 20% more citations over a period of 10 years
Henneken, E. A., Accomazzi, A. (2011): Linking to Data - Effect on Citation Rates in Astronomy. http://arxiv.org/abs/1111.3618v1

How does the data publication work?

After the "data production processing" step the procedure of data publication is divided into five basic steps:
1) Data submission to a specialized data centre
2) Data staging for the review process
3) Technical and scientific review: Execution and documentation of a Scientific Quality Assurance (SQA) and Technical Quality Assurance (TQA) on data and metadata.
4) Data long-term archiving: published data entities are fixed and remain unchanged.
5) Allocation of data PID: registration of the data with a PID. The PID is inserted into a PID handling system.

Get support from your long-term repository to start the data publication process with
the data submission step.

How does the supplementary data publication work?

Q & A

To get answer to questions, go to FAQs page.

Learn more about data publication, go to Best Practices page Data Publishing.