(Inter-)national Networks an Programs
- Part of international conferences and workshops (AGU, EGU, ICSU WDS Konferenz)
- Projected part of WDS, involved in WDS activities (Codata conferences)
- Information Systems (WIS) and allocate information and metadata for all meterological data over the online WIS catalogue Discovery and Retrieval (DAR)
- All datacentres are accredited from the WIS as Data Collection and/or Production Center DCPC
- Connected with the Global Information System Center (GISC) from the Deutschen Wetterdienst (DWD)
- Utilization of synergies with the development of the World Data Systems (WDS)
- Allocation of Metadata from the DOI catalogue for other portals ie. WorldWideScience
- Cooperations with major publishers i.e. Elsevier, Nature for cross-referencing of data publications