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List of data portals & service providers


Name: Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science (PANGAEA)

Data Type: earth system research

Description: Publisher for data from institutes, projects, individual scientist and supplements related to publications.

Links: http://www.pangaea.de/http://www.pangaea.de/submit/


Name: World Data Center for Climate at DKRZ (WDCC at DKRZ)

Data Type: earth system model data and related observations, data for and from climate research

Description: The services of the WDCC focus on climate data collection, long-term preservation, and dissemination though DKRZ's operational CERA data and information system.

Links: cera-www.dkrz.de

GFZ Potsdam

Name: German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ Potsdam)

Data Type: solid earth geophysics, continental drilling, geoecology, hydrology

Description: The object of research of the GFZ is the Earth System – our planet, on and from which we live, its history and its characteristics, as well as the processes which occur on its surface and within is interior, and the many interactions which exist between the various parts of the system. 



Name: World Data Center for Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere (WDC-RSAT)

Data Type: Remote sensing of the earth’s atmosphere:  Observational and value added data

Description: WDC-RSAT, offers scientists and the general public free access (in the sense of a “one-stop shop”) to a continuously growing collection of atmosphere-related satellite-based data sets (ranging from raw to value added data), information products and services. Focus is on atmospheric trace gases, aerosols, dynamics, radiation, and cloud physical parameters.

Links: http://wdc.dlr.de


Name: Earth System Grid Federation

Data Type: data from climate research generated for and within climate model intercomparison projects: global model output (e.g. CMIP5), regional model output (e.g. CORDEX) and selected observational data (e.g. obs4MIPs)

Description: ESGF is a worldwide federation for climate data with data nodes in Europe, USA, Canada, China, Japan and Australia. User registration is easy and immediately effective. Registration and data download are free of charge. Most data are also accessible for other purposes than research, even for commercial use.

Links: e.g. http://esgf-data.dkrz.de/esgf-web-fe/http://pcmdi9.llnl.gov/esgf-web-fe/


Name: IPCC Data Distribution Centre

Data Type: data underlying the IPCC Assessment Reports

Description: The IPCC DDC provides climate, socio-economic and environmental data, both from the past and also in scenarios projected into the future. The DDC is overseen by the IPCC Task Group on Data and Scenario Support for Impact and Climate Analysis (TGICA) and jointly managed by the British Atmospheric Data Centre (BADC) in the United Kingdom, the ICSU World Data Center Climate (WDCC) in Germany, and the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) at Columbia University, New York, USA. The data are provided by co-operating modelling and analysis centres.

Links: http://ipcc-data.org/


Name: European Network for Earth System Modelling

Data Type: climate data

Description: The ENES data services will help you to find and access climate data provided by the distributed data centers within the ENES data federation. Information on the different climate models and tools devoloped in Europe and on european high performance computing facilities is also provided.

Links: https://verc.enes.org/data


Name: Global Information System Centres

Data Type: WMO (World Meterological Organization) and related international programmes

Description: GISCs collect and distribute the information meant for routine global dissemination, and in addition, they serve as collection and distribution centres in their areas of responsibility, and provide entry points for any request for data held within WIS (WMO Information System) provide a single coordinated global infrastructure for the collection and sharing of information

Links: http://gisc.dwd.de/GISC_DWD/start_js_JSP.do


Name: GetInfo

Data Type: science and technology

Description: provides access to more than 150 million data sets from specialised databases, publishers and library catalogues

Links: https://getinfo.de/app?&lang=en


Name: DataCite

Data Type: research data

Description: DataCite is a not-for-profit worldwide organization helping you to find, access, and reuse data. As a DOI registration agency DataCite assigns persistent identifiers for research data. We have many hundreds of clients of all disciplines around the globe.

Links: http://search.datacite.org/ui, http://datacite.org/services


Name: European Data Infrastructure

Data Type: data objects and collections from various disciplines

Description: B2FIND is the EUDAT metadata service allowing users to discover what kind of data is stored through the B2SAFE and B2SHARE services which collect a large number of datasets from various disciplines. EUDAT will also harvest metadata from communities that have stable metadata providers to create a comprehensive joint catalogue to help researchers find interesting data objects and collections.

Links: http://b2find.eudat.eu


Name: Europeana

Data Type: items from a range of Europe's leading galleries, libraries, archives and museums

Description: Books and manuscripts, photos and paintings, television and film, sculpture and crafts, diaries and maps, sheet music and recordings

Links: http://Europeana.eu


Name: C3-Grid

Data Type: climate data

Description: The C3-Grid Portal provides access to various climate data centers in Germany. DKRZ integrates WDCC and ESGF data into C3-Grid and makes this data available for a set of climate processing workflows.

Links: https://c3portal.awi.de/home

Geoss GEO Portal

Name: Geoss GEO Portal

Data Type: global Earth Observation data, information and services developed by the ESA in collaboration with FAO

Description: Global Earth Observation System of Systems GEOSS is the co-ordination structure for the harmonisation of earth observation systems operated by different national or international institutions around the world. 

Links: http://www.geoportal.org/web/guest/geo_home


Name: World Data System

Data Type: Data of WDS Members

Description: Portal allowing for retrieving data from at least part of the WDS Members

Links: http://www.icsu-wds.org/services/data-portal

DWD geoportal

Name: DWD geoportal

Data Type: Geodata from all over Germany

Description: Maps, aerial views, thematic maps: thematic maps link and merge data into information for use in practice, for instance on favourable locations for wind-power stations.

Links: http://www.geoportal.de/


Name: ICDC (Integrated Climate Data Center)

Data Type: Climate relevant data from in-situ measurements and satellite remote sensing

Description: The CliSAP-Integrated Climate Data Center (ICDC) allows easy access to climate relevant data from in-situ measurements and satellite remote sensing. These data are important to determine the status and the changes in the climate system. Additionally some relevant re-analysis data are included, which are modeled on the basis of observational data.

Links: http://icdc.zmaw.de



Data Type: Geo spatial data sets

Description: Search, discover and access geographic information provided by European governmental, commercial, and non-commercial organizations.

Links: http://inspire-geoportal.ec.europa.eu/discovery/


Name: Integrated Earth Data Applications

Data Type: Geochemistry, Marine Geophysics, Polar Sciences

Description: IEDA or Integrated Earth Data Applications is a community-based data facility funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) to support, sustain, and advance the geosciences by providing data services for observational solid earth data from the Ocean, Earth, and Polar Sciences. IEDA systems enable these data to be discovered and reused by a diverse community now and in the future.

Links: http://www.iedadata.org/


Name: Ocean Biogeographic information System

Data Type: marine species datasets from all of the world's oceans

Description: users can identify biodiversity hotspots and large-scale ecological patterns, analyze dispersions of species over time and space, and plot species' locations with temperature, salinity, and depth.

Links: http://www.iobis.org/http://www.iobis.org/mapper/


Name: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

Data Type: operational forecast data sets

Description: We provide the results from our operational forecast activities to our Member States and Co-operating States, the members of the WMO and the public. Various levels of access restrictions apply.

Links: http://www.ecmwf.int/products/


Name: Global Biodiversity Information Facility

Data Type: biodiversity data

Description: Through a global network of countries and organizations, GBIF promotes and facilitates the mobilization, access, discovery and use of information about the occurrence of organisms over time and across the planet.

Links: http://www.gbif.org/http://data.gbif.org/welcome.htm


Name: The Scientific Drilling Database - ­­­Data from Deep Earth Monitoring and Sounding

Data Type: Data from drilling program

Description: Projects in the International Scientific Continental Drilling Program (ICDP) produce large amounts of data. With the online Scientific Drilling Database , ICDP and GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam (GFZ), Germany created

Links: http://www.scientificdrilling.org


Name: NASA's Global Change Master Directory

Data Type: Earth science data set

Description: The GCMD holds more than 31,000 Earth science data set and service descriptions, which cover subject areas within the Earth and environmental sciences.  The project mission is to assist researchers, policy makers, and the public in the discovery of and access to data, related services, and ancillary information (which includes offers online authoring tools to providers of data and services, facilitating the capability to make their products available to the Earth science community.

Links: http://gcmd.nasa.gov/


Name: Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System

Data Type: Gulf of Mexico Research

Description: The GCOOS website envision the sharing of data, models, and products related to the Gulf of Mexico via the internet for the common benefit of all participants, academic researchers, local, state and federal government agencies, educators, the private sector, and the general public.

Links: http://www.gcoos.org


Name: Re3data

Data Type: service provider

Description: Register of research data repositories

Links: http://service.re3data.org/search/


Name: Climate Service Center

Data Type: service provider

Description: A team of natural scientists, economists, political scientists and communication-specialists are working at the Climate Service Center. Their tasks are refining the knowledge derived from climate research in a practice-orientated way and conveying the findings to decision-makers in politics, administration, economy and for the broad public.

Links: http://www.climate-service-center.de/

Regional Climate Office of the Helmholz Association

Name: Regional Climate Office of the Helmholz Association

Data Type: service provider

Description: The effects of global climate change on particular regions vary significantly. Farmers, coastal engineers, town planners and other decision makers need first-hand information on regional climate change in order to adapt their region to the effects. The Helmholtz Association has therefore decided to initiate a German network of regional climate offices. Each of the four Regional Helmholtz Climate Offices is focusing on a certain region. We integrate regional climate change information based on latest research projects and make scientific results understandable to the public.

Links: http://www.klimabuero.de/index_en.html