
Symposium on Research Data Infrastructures, 22 January 2013

The Symposium on Research Data Infrastructures (FDI2013) is jointly organised by the DFG projects Radieschenre3data.orgKomForEWIG und BoKeLa and will take place on 22 January 2013, from 9:30 – 17:00, at GFZ in Potsdam. 

The symposium will deal with the challenges that are presented to the scientific system by the ever-growing amount of digital data being produced. Surrounding the research data infrastructures to be established, many organisational, financial as well as technological issues are still unresolved and their legal and political framework needs yet to be clarified.

These topics will be addressed in talks and subsequent discussions. In workshops taking place concurrently, experts will deal with main topic areas. The results of their discussion will be presented in the form of posters.

You can find more information, the agenda and the opportunity to register (in German only) here.

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